Here's a funny story. About a week ago dad wrote me on facebook and asked if I'd come over and show him the ropes. It was super funny to see his reaction to understanding who could see what, and why I could see what he wrote people through my news feed. It was fun. And in the process I had to call my Grandpa and walk him through deleting friends. Apparently he had become friends with strangers due to some "senior moments".
Lately, I've become slightly addicted to searching and following other people's blogs. You could call me a blog stalker because I don't even know most of these people. However, one night, in the two hours I wasted just reading blogs and looking at facebook I came across some pictures of some really awesome looking cupcakes. They were not the normal chocolate with chocolate icing either. They were seriously gourmet. So I decided to try and make my own version (from a martha stewart recipe).
I decided to make homemade banana cupcakes with buttercream icing. Here is a picture of all the ingredients that are needed. I'm so artsy, aren't I.
Then you mix your banana and buttermilk with some vanilla extract. You then mix this with the butter and some flour to make the cupcake!
While baking them.....