I'm sorry that it has been forever since I have posted about anything. And I'm sorry I've beenhome a week and haven't shared any South African stories. We were supposed to "practice pack" over memorial day weekend just to make sure everything would fit in our bags and we didn't go over our weight limit. 44lb s was the limit, 40lbs was our goal. Well, all we got done was laundry and the cleaning of our house. That left a 3 hour packing excursion the night before we left, and then just the odds and ends on the morning we were set to leave. We packed for about 8-9 days with plans to do laundry and wear it all again.

Our plane was leaving OKC at 4:20pm June 3rd. Ryan and his mom came to pick up at 2:00pm. We were all very excited to be in Africa...but none of us were excited about the two days it was going to take to get there.
Once we made it to Houston we boarded our huge plane and headed east to Frankfurt, Germany. It only took 10 or so hours to get there, but crossing over 8 times zones can really mess with your body. Thankfully I was able to sleep for a few hours here and there thanks to the Fennessy gene of being able to sleep almost anywhere.
We arrived at the Frankfurt airport at 11am June 4th.
That airport is ridiculously Huge!!!!! Just look at this revolving arrival board.
At least we had 9 hours to familiarize ourselves with it. Yeah right. It's impossible to find your way around that airport, and not because it's in German. The nearest bathroom is like a 5 minute walk. And it must have taken 10 minutes
to figure out how to get downstairs to the mall area.
Once we made it downstairs. We treated ourselves to bratwurst and beer. Probably Germany's idea of fastfood type brats, but it was still good.

The rest of the day was spent not getting lost, playing card games and trying desperately to not fall asleep. We figured since it was during the day, and our flight was at night it would be better to just stay awake and sleep on the plane so as not to mess up our sleep schedule anymore. It was VERY hard to do.
At 8:30pm it was finally time to board South African Airways. Really great airlines by the way. Good food and leg room.
On our next 10.5 hour flight we were able to see the sunset over the Swiss Alps.

And the sunrise over Zambia.
Next up....Our Johannesburg adventures.