Sunday, December 11, 2011

I can think of another project we can do to further procrastinate the bathroom remodel

Let's see, January 1 will be one year that our master bathroom has been partially gutted. It's so sad.

Today we made some slight progress. Stephen took out the old vent! Woo hoo!

Anyway, in accordance with avoiding the huge undertaking of a bathroom remodel; we did two other rather large projects instead. I know right... It doesn't make sense to me either.

We built two 3'x9' raised garden beds and put in a garden path around it in the spring. All summer we tried to keep our awesome veggie garden alive to no avail. We did however reap in the bounty of our basil. Seriously it was like a bush.

Then this fall we decided to take down our shed. If I hadn't lost our camera I would have a true picture of the before. But since I did, you'll just have to imagine a seriously dilapidated, vine covered, dirty, rotten shed. It's been there for many, many years and obviously was not taken care of. It was on a 10'x12' piece of concrete slab that was 3" thick! We debated leaving it there and putting a new shed on top but we decided it too had to go. It was really messing up our water shed and creating muddy puddles on each end.

Stephen rented a jackhammer and went to town! But first, he went to YouTube and watched people using a jackhammer so he could see what he was getting into! He's going to hate me for saying that on the interweb. Oh well.

So there you have it. Two bigs ways we procrastinated on our remodel. But if you think about it, these other projects had to be done first because of the good weather and stuff. But really, the bathroom remodel is next!!!!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Don't worry I'm not sick. I just wanted to share the most pathetic picture I have of me being sick. This was in July when I actually missed work for 2 days because of a fever of 103 and a really, really sore throat. I had a severe viral infection and was so miserable I actually cried.

Anyway, Stephen took the picture because he thought it was funny.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Pinterest challenge

I was looking for something cheap, easy, and a little fun to add to my nonexistent fall/Halloween decor. It's funny, Fall is my favorite season and I don't decorate for it at all. Oh well.

Anyway, I pinned this a long time ago, probably August, and thought "I am so doing that". So, I saved my milk jugs and pretty much copied it exactly because I'm not that entirely crafty to come up with my own version.

I set it up the weekend before Halloween and was giddy with excitement!!!! I couldn't wait for it to get dark enough to see my little ghosts light up!

Skinny jeans

I'm posting about my skinny jeans because I really didn't think I could pull the look off. I posted a lot of inspiration outfits on Pinterest with skinny jeans and tall boots trying to convince myself that I could make the look work for me too.

Well one day, I just decided to bite the bullet and go shopping. I didn't allow anyone to come with me to shop for the skinny jeans because i knew it would be boring and frustrating for them. As it was I went to 5 stores, grabbed a bunch of jeans at each one and tried them all on. It took me 5 hours before I found two pairs that would work, and ultimately 1 pair from New York and Company won me over.

The jeans are more like leggings because they are pretty stretchy, but from the outside they look like denim.

The first day I wore this outfit, I felt really out of my comfort zone because it's not something I would normally wear. But I'm used to it now and don't feel so out of place, just a little bit "country".

The boots are from Jcpenny and are the brand Olsenboye. The jeggings are from New York and Company. Both tops are from Jcpenny.

*Sorry for the grainy pictures...they were taken with the iphone.