These pictures aren't the greatest because of bad lighting and I'm totally not a good enough photographer to figure out how to make these look great. But you'll get the idea.
Speaking of getting the idea.. now that we painted you can tell what our texture looks like!
Here is a picture of our new vent/light in the bathroom.
These pictures are not the greatest...but we did finish painting! (except for a tiny sliver where the green tape is because I have to find my long artist brush to reach that bit and a few touch ups of spots we missed)
And obviously, we installed our new lighting! It's awesome...but way too bright! We'll be swapping out the 60 watts for 40 watts for sure. One thing we noticed though is that the bulbs are a tad longer than the globes so they stick out and you can see them. We hadn't planned on that and we can't turn the light to have the globes face upwards because we measured this out exactly and if we turned it, the globes would be like 1.5 inches from the ceiling. That would look really funny and probably leave some serious white hot spots on the ceiling. Hopefully, lowering the wattage will solve our problem. recap.
We started with this mess. Super gross looking frosting like texture. A soffit with a terrible light fixture and a really large builders mirror.
Then we started tearing off the texture, which thankfully came off really easy thanks to the previous owners texturing over some really gross wallpaper circa 1981.
And now here we are. Much improved. We haven't decided if we are going to start tiling next, or if we'll put the crown molding on and frame out the existing mirror to make it look prettier and at least of this portion of the bathroom basically done.

To Do:
-Install crown molding
- hang builders mirror and frame it out
-touch up blue paint and all trim that is messed up
- tile floor and shower
-install all new bath fixtures
-install new counter top
-strip and repaint cabinetry (eventually)