My favorite thing to do while flying is to look at the Skymall magazine. There are ALWAYS crazy weird things you can buy and maybe 3% of the stuff is actually a tiny bit cool. So, on my last plane ride in October I decided to take some pictures of the crazy and the kinda cool.
Here is the edition of the Crazy Weird stuff you can buy in the sky!
Savvy Flex Wallet - Fat wallets known leading cause of back problems (who knew!) Ergonomic design will keep your wallet thin and flex's (yes, it's really spelled like that in the magazine) to the contour of your body. The wallet is made from soft, high quality leather with a patented credit card insert that keeps your wallet thin while allowing you to store up to 16 credit cards. $34.99 *how does it bend if it holds so many?
One of a kind shirts, for one of a kind men: One of a kind shirt allows you to show that you're an individual, that you're a little different than everyone else and you want them to take notice of who you are. These shirts are great for a night on the town (seriously!), frat parties, bachelor parties, stag parties or any other time you want to stand out in a crowd (that's for sure) $??
Self cleaning litter box - No more scooping! Frequently away from your favorite feline, or simply hate litter box duty? Let Litter- Robot help. Self-cleaning litter box features a patented sitting process that automatically activates 7 minutes after the cat leaves the box, transferring waste into a hidden drawer, leaving the globe with fresh clean litter for the next use. $359.99 ** This simply just looks ridiculous.

PlungeMAX - Eliminate an unpleasant problem in the home in a simple way. PlungeMAX no- mess plunger clears toilet clogs in a quick, sanitary, splash-free way - without messing with a standard plunger or harsh chemicals. It sits atop your toilet bowl and pushes compressed air through the water toward the clog to clear it sanitarily and effortlessly. The plunger never touches water, keeping germs in the toilet bowl where they belong. $12.99 * Okay, are you serious? Who has time to go get this out of the cabinet, attach it and then compress away while the water is about to overflow. This is just dumb.

UpRight Sleeper - Sleep like a baby while sitting up. The UpRight Sleeper supports the weight of the head while keeping the neck comfortably aligned and prevents the head from falling forward or sideways during sleep. The attached back strap is positioned between the back and the seat to hold it securely in place. Fully adjustable for every face shape and size. $39.99 *And it comes with a cover so it doesn't look obviously weird or anything!!!
iGrow - The iGrow uses the same technology pioneered by Alpha Science, the worldwide leader in clinic-based laser hair rejuvenation systems. Until now, these systems have been sold exclusively to doctors and hair specialists for use in hair clinics around the globe. Now you can realize the benefits of the world's most advanced laser hair rejuvenation system from the comfort of your own home. $695 Programmed for men and women. *The demonstration pictures are just ridiculous!
Headache Reliever - (only kind of cool within the confines of your home, acts like a heating pad which is nice to have around) Co-developed by a NASA spacesuit designer and a leading neurologist who treats severe headaches, this clinically proven adjustable head wrap is guaranteed to relieve headaches fast - without medication. Uniquely combines compression and thermal therapy. Includes three reusable hot/cold gel packs $24.99