Monday, December 22, 2014

Zachary's Birth Story- as written by our Doula

Here is how Zach's birth unfolded.  Our doula took notes while I labored and then wrote this out for us.  She gave it to us at our 1 week postpartum visit.  It was fun to remember all those random details that I went through.  One of these days, I'll write my own birth story from my side of things, but for now if you're interested in what I did for 27 hours to bring Zachary into the world…here you go!

November 4th, 2014

10:00am - You nervously cried as you settled into your room and were hooked up to the pitocin with a monitor on to track contractions and the baby's heartbeat. Once your nerves subsided, you rested quietly for about an hour. 

12:30pm- I arrived at Mercy Hospital and met you in room 633 where you were on the birth ball. Half and hour later your nurse Sharon checked you and found you were 4cm dilated. 

1:45pm- You rested in bed on your right side for half an hour and then on your left side for half and hour. We turned soft music on and I massaged you with lavender essential oil

2:45pm-Sharon checked your progress again and found you were still 4cm dilated. You and Stephen enjoyed a game of cards in hopes of distraction from the short contractions that your Pitocin was encouraging.

3:30pm- Your contractions quickly began to come in a consistent pattern, about 4-5 minutes apart and you changed positions often as they began to demand your attention.

5:00pm- Dr. Wayman came in to check on you. She found that you were now 5cm dilated and you declined her offer to rupture your membranes. After she left, you battled fear and doubt as you cried quietly on Stephen’s shoulder. He encouraged and comforted you as you slow-danced through your contractions.

6:30pm- You got onto the bed in a hands & knees position and did pelvic tilts. “I can really feel the pressure now!” you said as the contractions intensified. You breathed and rocked your hips through the powerful waves and Stephen and I rubbed your lower back. 45 minutes later we met your new nurse Holli, she checked you and found that you were 5cm dilated, 90% effaced and your baby was at a -2 station. Your contractions were now coming every 2-3 minutes and you were breathing through them.

8:00pm- After discussing your options, you decided to have the Pitocin turned off for the night. You got up and enjoyed some soup for dinner. An hour later you got into bed in a side-lying position and rested with your eyes closed. Your contractions were still coming every 2-3 minutes and you moaned through them.

9:45pm- You moved into the bathroom and labored on the toilet for half an hour and came back into the room and swayed your hips as you walked around.

11:00pm- Your nurse found that you were now 7cm dilated and 90% effaced. You got back into bed and rested. Stephen hung both “homecoming” outfits in the room for motivation.

November 5th, 2014

12:00am- You labored on the toilet in the bathroom for 45 minutes and then your nurse checked you and found that you were 7cm dilated. You got into the warm shower and labored there for almost an hour. You sat upright in the bed and switched the peanut ball from leg to leg as you moaned through the contractions that were still 2-3 minutes apart. 

3:00am- You and Stephen went for a short walk and you did some more pelvic tilts in the hand and knees position on the bed.

4:00am- Your nurse checked you and found that you were 8cm and 100% effaced. You rested in bed for another hour. The room was dimly lit, your soft music was turned back on and I massaged you with more essential oils. Your mom arrived and sat quietly near your bed as you rested.

5:00am- You got up and began swaying and moving through your contractions. You decided to start the Pitocin again and did figure 8’s on the ball after that got going. You battled fatigue and doubt and Stephen continued covering you in encouraging words and touch. 

7:20am- Dr. Wayman came to check on you and found that you were dilated to 8cm and you agreed to letting her rupture your membranes. We met your new nurse Sarah and you rested in bed for the next hour.

8:20am- You got up and did more figure 8’s on the ball. Stephen turned on some upbeat music and then you moved to standing and swaying your hips to the music. After 45 minutes you moved into the bathroom and labored on the toilet for half and hour.

9:30am- Your nurse checked you and found that you were still 8cm dilated but that your baby had moved down further into your pelvis. You battled doubt and exhaustion as they began monitoring your baby internally.  You were offered an epidural, in hopes of getting some rest, but instead decided to just increase the Pitocin.  You then lunged on your left side through 5 contractions. “This baby is moving so much...this is so hard” you said as you held your belly and cried softly. You moved onto the bed and did more pelvic tilts on your hands and knees as the intensity of your contractions seemed to rapidly increase.

11:05am- You began feeling “pushy” while on your hands and knees. Your nurse checked you and found that you were almost completely dilated. You soon began actively pushing on your hands and knees with the nurse gently guiding you. An hour later, Dr. Wayman arrived and you rolled onto your back as you continued to follow your body’s instincts and worked hard to bring your baby earthside.

1:05pm- Zachary Vaughn Brister was brought into the world and placed on your chest. Stephen joyfully announced that you had birthed a baby boy. “Hi Zachary! Hi big boy!” you whispered. Zachary lay on your chest as the two of you silently took each other in.

1:15pm- Stephen accompanied Zachary over to the warmer where he was weighed and measured. The nurse found that he was 9 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 1/2 inches of perfect baby boy. An hour later, Zachary hungrily latched onto your left breast for his first meal.

What an amazing way to bring such a beautiful child into this world. 

The Bump

So I grew a baby and my belly grew!  Here are some of the belly shots we took.  

I gained only 20 lbs and it was all in the belly. I did have some swelling in my feet and legs, but compression socks made it feel a whole lot better.  I had heartburn basically everyday and had to watch what and how much I ate to avoid regret late at night.  Severe ligament pain plagued me for about the last four months.  Changing positions in bed and getting out of bed were incredibly painful.  Stephen had to help me get out of bed basically everyday towards the end. Feeling the baby kick was pretty awesome and seeing my whole belly move was both weird and awesome. Being pregnant was awesome and I miss the cute new clothes I got to wear!  People say I'd miss the belly and the kicks and everything about being pregnant…I brushed it off…but 1 day after giving birth I totally understood what they were saying!  I can't wait to do it all again…minus the ligament pain, that was actually really terrible.

16 weeks

20 weeks
24 weeks
26 weeks

28 weeks

30 weeks

34 weeks

36 weeks

38 weeks

40 weeks

1 week post birth