Zachary has become quite the content baby. He really enjoys just hanging out and watching the world around him. The pictures were taken back in December when we still had the whole day to cuddle and learn all about each other.
This is one of the rare times I got him to sleep in his crib for a little nap. He looks adorable don't you think? It lasted about 10 minutes before her woke up. I could never get him to take a legit nap at home unless I held him or he was in his car seat. He takes a few one hour naps at daycare now, and I have no idea how they do it!
This is one of his first smiles. Most of you probably saw it on facebook. His smiles bring us all so much joy and I hope they brighten anyone's day who's day might be a little gloomy. Lately he's been so smiley and awesome in the mornings. He wakes up, stretches and just smiles and coos. Thank goodness he doesn't wake up screaming to be fed!
We are quickly running out of room on my parents mantle for all of our stockings! Quick story. My mom told me that last year Liesel went to get a red and green stocking for Molly and John and picked up an extra green one just in case. We weren't even expecting when she bought it!
Brian came home for the holidays so we celebrated Christmas a week early with him. He got to meet and hold Zachary and be super Uncle when my mom and I went to play cards one night. Dad was busy, Stephen wasn't home yet, so Brian had to go on baby duty for a good hour! He did really well, and Zach had fallen asleep on him. It was the cutest.

Liesel handed down this Christmas outfit for Zachary to wear. We all agreed that that yes, Zach is Santa's favorite! Is it bad that I didn't give my own child a Christmas gift? We did get him an ornament, but I'm not sure that counts! Zachary did get some more clothes though, which will come in handy in about 4-5 months when he fits into them.
We gifted family with some state art that we made. Zachary has a large Oklahoma one in his room and we liked it so much, we figured other people would as well. We really enjoyed making these and everyone really enjoyed recieving them.
All my Mom kept saying she wanted for Christmas was a canvas print of our family photo on the beach. I have to say, this is THE BEST family photo I think we have ever taken. Even Zachary is in the picture, and we didn't know it was him yet!
We spent the actual Christmas day and weekend in Tulsa. Here is his Great Aunt June getting in some quality Zach time. They just talked and talked.
I thought this picture was cute becuase Pepper was hanging out underneath the table which she almost never does. Pepper went through this weird phase for a few weeks where she was really nervous, especially about being in the car. The poor thing would shake like a leaf and have her tail between her legs the whole ride. It didn't matter if we were just going to the dog park, which is a 10 minute drive, or driving to Tulsa. Thankfully though, it only lasted a few weeks and she's totally over it now! Thank goodness, it was tough to see her all worked up.

We also made it a point to go visit Stephen's Grandma Mary. She and Zachary are birthday buddies! Mary had been talking about Zach to everyone since his arrival so it was really special for them to meet and for her to show him off. We visited again a few days before she passed away on Jan 27th. It was really special, becuase although she was sleepy and not responding, she perked up when we told her Zach was here to see her and she gave him a kiss.
Four generations. Great Grandma Mary, Grandma Janet, Dad Stephen and Zach.