We didn't do anything too crazy for Fathers Day. I'm not one to make a big hoopla out of these holidays, so we just got a few chores done and then spent some time together as a family (with grandparents) at the pool.
We went to church and the guys were just too handsome looking to not take their picture.
Being a father suits Stephen really well. He loves getting Zach to smile and laugh and is patiently waiting for him to get bigger so he can run around, wrestle with, and generally do boy things together.
Zach and I really appreciate everything that you do for us. Thank you for helping me to walk and sit, and pretty much do anything, that first week after giving birth. Even though I did it naturally, my body was wiped out and useless. Thanks for taking care of me and changing all the diapers that first week, and for helping us learn how to nurse and being a great encourager through all of it, even now. Thank you for taking on the duty of washing the bottles and getting the milk ready for the next day of 'school'. It's a huge help while I'm calming a fussy baby. Thank you for putting the diaper bag, milk bottles, and pump bag in the car every morning on your way out the door. It's a small gesture, but a huge weight off my shoulders. Thank you for being the best supporter during this breastfeeding journey. It's an easy thing to do, yet so hard at the same time. Thank you for wanting to stay awake in the middle of the night with me while I nurse Zach so I'm not alone or the only one tired the next day.
Zachary loves you and I love you. You're the best Dad we could have asked for!
And a happy Fathers day to my Dad, too! He's such a great baby whipserer right when you need him to be. He's also a great help with Pepper, taking her on walks, etc.
Zachary loves to splash around in the bath, and I thought the pool would get the same reaction out of him. Not so much. Of the two times we've got he kind of just chills out and doesn't move or give any expression at all. That's okay, it's still fun!