As evidence by these two photos, Zachary really doesn't need any toys. He find lots of enjoying playing in the kitchen cabinets. All of the them are child proofed except the tupperware, pasta/cracker pantry, and the random tiny cabinet that hold the things he is playing with.
A few times over the winter, to get out of the house for some free time play time, we'd go to the mall play area to burn off some energy. Zachary is a real observer and it would take him a while to warm up the place. He would mostly just stand around a watch people. I think few time it would just overwhelm him becase there would be so many kids running around (and a lot of them way to old to be doing so). I mean, the whole thing is geared toward probaby four/five and under. Your eight year old should not be playing tag here. Just saying.
One day, I took a half day off work to do some errands and pick Zachary up early from daycare. They were having popsicles and he had never had one before. Of course I had to stay and watch him and everyone else eat them. Once he got the hang of it he kept saying 'mmm' and nodding his head in satisfaction.
Ater popsicles, they were going outside. Of course we had to stay for that too! I can deprive my child time on the playground! He had fun showing me how he goes down the slide and playing chase. It was fun to see him ineract with the other kids.
This is a picture of Stephen and I at the NCAA basketball tournament that came to OKC. I don't remember the games we watched, but they were good ones!
Easter seemed to come so early this year. We opted to not participate in any huge community easter egg hung because Zachary was so young and barely understood the whole idea of it all. We had a mini one in my parents back yard and he did eventually catch on and it was cute to watch. I honestly don't think we will ever indulge in a huge easter egg hunt. The are way too overwhelming for me. Do you participate in them?