Monday, August 27, 2012

Stuff We've Been Doing via Instagram

Enjoying some Redhawks baseball with a cold one and a hotdog.

Watching a whole lot of Olympics and then making 104 "gold" medal sugar cookies.

Watching Stephen play indoor soccer.  Who wants to sign up their 18month old for soccer?  I couldn't even imagine that would work.

Our summer weakness at least once a week.

Humble Pie Pizza.  Deep dish Chicago style pizza.  This took me three days to eat.

Late night driving range to practice our swing.  The two older guys next to us were both entertaining and annoying.  They talked, analyzed, and took pictures of their golf posture for an hour.

Walked around the Myriad Gardens Saturday afternoon and got this great shot of Devon Tower.


Liz said...

Glad you get out and about. Not just work and tiling!

Liesel said...

Molly could totally play soccer.