Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Two Months

Zachary turned two months old on January 5th.
He weighed 11lbs 7oz and was 23 inches long.

This month he discovered his hands and will suck on them.  He smiles and coos alot more and really enjoys laying down and listening to his light up music toy. He doesn't nap on his own very well, but sleeps like a champ at night, only waking up once to feed. He is still in size 1 diapers, but is quickly outgrowing them (and I have a ton that haven't been opened!) He is also still wearing 0-3 month clothes, although some that are on the smaller end have been retired.  I put him in a sleeper last week and discovered that he couldn't stretch his legs out!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

One Month

Just a few days before Zach turns two months, I'm posting his one month photos.  Here's hoping I can remember to take these every month!

Zach turned one month old on December 5th, which was Brian's 25th birthday.  Speaking of birthdays, Zach was born on Stephen's maternal grandmothers' birthday.  So now Mary has a birthday buddy. She was overjoyed.  I told her of the other birthday buddies in my family.  Me and my Aunt Debbie (born exactly 30 years apart) and my Dad and nephew John. Having a birthday buddy is like the coolest thing ever.

At one month Zach was rolling over from front to back.
Sleeping 5-7 hours at night.
Eating like a champ.

Friday, January 2, 2015


I was going to post about all the holidays at once…but I haven't uploaded the pictures yet, and I'm currently too lazy to do so.

Thanksgiving was our first holiday together as a little family of three. Four if you want to count the dog, but I don't want to be one of those families that thinks the dog is like another child and we treat her like another kid.  However, she does tend to demand a lot of our attention just like a toddler would.

Zach was a perfect little angel baby for the holiday and really enjoyed meeting his cousins.
We all a good time drinking, playing cards, watching sports, and hanging out.

As I was getting pictures for this post, I realized that I got a photo of almost everyone holding him.

We introduced the first bottle this weekend and Stephen was pretty excited to give it to him.  Zach gobbled it up in less than five minutes. 

Molly (3), John (7 months), Will (6), Dominic (8),  Zachary(3 weeks)

Will lost one of his front teeth on this trip.  He was looking a bit snaggletoothed, but now looks super cute with it gone. He was nervous to have it pulled, but Grandpa and Dad kept saying it was so ready.  So Will wiggled it and moved it around, but it wouldn't come out.  We gave it rest for the night, but I told Will that it didn't look ready to me and to not let them force it on them.  It just needed one more day of wiggling becuase it came out the next day with a little tug!

The men having martinis by the chiminea in the middle of the afternoon.  I found this to be really hilarious. 

Cute Molly in our neighbors light display.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Zach's first photos

Here's a few photos from Zach's first few days with us.  This first one is right after he came out. I was so exhausted I think I was already starting to fall asleep. 

 First family photo.  I like how Stephen and my hands cross.

Zach's going home outfit. We had the exact same outfit in pink if we had had a girl.  This outfit was a serious pain to put on him. This is the only day he wore it.

I thought we'd be really thrifty and do our own newborn photoshoot.  They aren't really fancy, but I think we got a few good ones.  Professional shots would have been a lot nicer and jazzed up, but I'm glad I didn't pay for it.  We are going to get some professional family shots taken though when he's about 3 or 4 months old. (These pictures were taken when he was about 5 days old)

Tiny toes and tiny hands. I'm amazed at how fast those fingernails grow!  I've already had to cut them three times.  I also think it's crazy the amount of dirt and grime that gets under those tiny nails…where does it come from?!  You're inside all day being held!

One of his first baths. He absolutely loves bathtime.  He is totally chill during the whole bath just staring at you and letting his legs dangle in the water. The duck cozy is great too, because he stays a little warmer. 

Next up will be some more recent pictures.  I just have to upload them from the camera first!