We are just going to get caught up with some past photos and then maybe I'll and post some stories every week or two. As the title suggests, these photos are from February.
We learned that Zachary could not care less to actually color with his markers. He was much more fascinated to try and put the caps back on or stick them end to end like a long sword. Doing this could easily entertain him for almost 30 minutes. Such concentration.
This is what dinner looks like at our house. Pepper is easily trained though, as now she lays down next to Stephen and doesn't get up until Zachary drops something or we take him out of his booster seat. That is Pepper's cue to lick up what he has left behind on his chair. Its nice to have a dog around; I hardly ever have to sweep after dinner!
Zachary got his first short, cool dude haircut. He did very well with the buzzers. We got him another short haircut in June that was supposed to last until the end of summer…but he's starting to look shaggy.

Oh yes. This was the time Pepper got in BIG trouble for getting caught red handed (or would that be red pawed? lol) for chewing up three of Zach's book. Earlier in the week she had chewed up some stacking blocks, and then it was two plastic toys a few days later. I was mad at her because she should know better, but it was partly my fault as I had left the toys on the floor and she has the freedom to go outside whenever she wants. But this time, I had everything picked up and these books were on the coffee table, which never in her whole life as she ever snatched anything off of it. I came back into the living room after putting Zachary down for a nap and saw that the books were gone. I ran outside and they were strewn across the yard. Pepper immediatly knew she was in trouble and darted across the yard with her tail between her legs, came inside, and went straight to her bed and didnt look at me for about five minutes. She learned her lesson...

February in Oklahoma can give you little teases of warmer weather. We took full advantage and headed to the zoo that day. It was beautiful and we saw quite a few animals.
And then the next week, its cold out! But it's still beautiful enough to spend some time at the park. Zachary really enjoys the park. What kid doesn't! Most of our parks here are not entirely toddler friendly, so Mom and Dad get to climb all over them as well so Zachary doesn't fall off.
His favorite part of the park is climing the steps and then going down the slide. I know Zachary, slides are the best!
He also enjoys swinging. His giggles and grin will just melt your heart.
Here we are at the dog park. Sadly, we don't get to go as often as we like anymore. We used to go a lot during the week right after work. Of course, that was before Zachary and when he was just a little baby and bed times weren't as strict. Anywho, obviously Zach used to think this was just a different kind of park with things for him to climb on and Pepper just happened to tag along. As he's gotten older though, he's much more aware of the other dogs there and likes to stand and watch them all run around and he'll chase the little dogs.